Ottawa Public Library 2013 Checkout Stats App (alpha)

Titles > Je vois une maison (Books)

Checkouts information for the title "Je vois une maison"

Subjects associated with this title are: Lectures et morceaux choisis (Enseignement primaire), Arts du langage (Primaire), Habitations.

The items associated with this title and their checkout densities are shown below.

Home BranchBarcodeDensities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950032731455 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950032722801 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950016134478 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950032723320 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950032731190 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950032697839 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Blackburn Hamlet32950016134577 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Blackburn Hamlet32950032722199 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950016134544 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950032728519 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950032728758 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950016134775 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950032723064 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950032697243 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carp32950016134676 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Centennial32950032696609 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Constance Bay32950032696120 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950016134338 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950032697482 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950032722546 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950032699017 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950032729327 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Elmvale Acres32950016134288 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Emeral Plaza32950032724625 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Emeral Plaza32950032724872 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Fitzroy Harbour--
Greely32950032726323 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950016134627 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950028363602 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950016826578 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032729806 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032728212 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032728048 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950032724005 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950032724252 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950016134437 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950032724518 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950032726760 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Manotick32950016134387 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Manotick32950032729582 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Munster32950032730036 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950016134635 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950032730846 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950032697086 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950016134585 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950032698134 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950032698126 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gower32950032725135 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032722454 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032729012 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032730325 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Osgoode32950032727628 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Richmond32950032727107 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950016134734 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950042937605 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rockcliffe Park32950016134296 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rosemount32950016134684 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rosemount32950032727925 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rosemount32950032730598 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032698811 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032600486 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032698670 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032696542 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950016134247 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950032727446 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950032726588 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950016134445 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950032726067 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950032725804 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Sunnyside32950016134395 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Sunnyside32950032723734 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Vanier32950016134346 Densities of checkout volumes over the year

IMPORTANT: This is an on-going experiment -- results will change and far from being accurate!
The extracted information is also subjective, due to 9.3% of the data being excluded, due to lack of matching info.

Compiled using open data from the City of Ottawa.
Created by The Blue Factor