Ottawa Public Library 2013 Checkout Stats App (alpha)

Titles > Où est la fête? (Books)

Checkouts information for the title "Où est la fête?"

Subjects associated with this title are: Lectures et morceaux choisis (Enseignement primaire), Arts du langage (Primaire), Canards, Coqs, Fêtes.

The items associated with this title and their checkout densities are shown below.

Home BranchBarcodeDensities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950032695098 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950022171985 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950022171977 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950032694455 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950032694851 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Blackburn Hamlet32950022171993 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Blackburn Hamlet32950032695296 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950022171225 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950022171217 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950032391052 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950032695676 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950032695916 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carp32950022184038 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Constance Bay32950032696146 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950022184053 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950022184046 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950032693069 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950032693358 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950032693853 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Elmvale Acres--
Emeral Plaza32950032692335 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Emeral Plaza32950032683870 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Fitzroy Harbour--
Greely32950032687236 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950022171282 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950022171274 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032390690 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032391011 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032391599 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950022184095 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950022184087 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950032391854 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950032390401 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950032694679 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950022184103 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950032684597 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950032390054 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Manotick32950022184111 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Manotick32950032685792 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Munster32950032685313 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950022184137 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950022184129 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950032683151 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950032686279 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950022184145 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950032683391 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950032685073 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gower32950032684001 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950022184152 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950022184160 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032684837 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032683631 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032685552 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Osgoode32950032686030 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950022184186 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950032686519 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rockcliffe Park32950022171290 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rockcliffe Park32950032391490 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rosemount32950022171308 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rosemount32950032686758 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950022184178 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032684365 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032692681 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950022184061 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032692855 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950022171266 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950032389684 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950032686998 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950022171258 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950032389221 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950032687475 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Sunnyside32950022171241 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Sunnyside32950032390005 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Vanier32950022171233 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Vernon32950032389320 Densities of checkout volumes over the year

IMPORTANT: This is an on-going experiment -- results will change and far from being accurate!
The extracted information is also subjective, due to 9.3% of the data being excluded, due to lack of matching info.

Compiled using open data from the City of Ottawa.
Created by The Blue Factor