Ottawa Public Library 2013 Checkout Stats App (alpha)

Titles > La dernière saison (Periodicals)

Checkouts information for the title "La dernière saison"

Subjects associated with this title are: Relations entre hommes et femmes, Relations humaines, Cancer, Familles, Deuil, Parents et enfants.

The items associated with this title and their checkout densities are shown below.

Home BranchBarcodeDensities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950021732753 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950022994436 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950700343906 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Blackburn Hamlet32950022994600 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Blackburn Hamlet32950700343914 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950700343971 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Constance Bay--
Cumberland32950021732787 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950022994402 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950022994444 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950700343922 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950700344037 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Elmvale Acres32950021732696 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Elmvale Acres32950022994535 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Elmvale Acres32950022994618 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Elmvale Acres32950700343930 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Elmvale Acres32950700343997 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Emeral Plaza--
Fitzroy Harbour--
Greenboro32950021732639 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950022994527 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950700343948 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950021732779 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950022994543 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950022994451 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950700344011 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950700343963 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950700344094 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950022994519 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950700343955 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950022994592 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950700344029 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gower--
Orléans32950021732613 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950700343898 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950700344045 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950022994576 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950700344052 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950700343989 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rockcliffe Park--
Ruth E. Dickinson32950024983544 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950021732704 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950022994493 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950700344003 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Sunnyside32950700344060 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Vanier32950021732712 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Vanier32950022994568 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Vanier32950700344086 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Vanier32950700344078 Densities of checkout volumes over the year

IMPORTANT: This is an on-going experiment -- results will change and far from being accurate!
The extracted information is also subjective, due to 9.3% of the data being excluded, due to lack of matching info.

Compiled using open data from the City of Ottawa.
Created by The Blue Factor