There are 705 objects with pictures
Note: an object can have several parts, and only the parts that has a photo are shown.
1978.1021-1 Brazing machine
1978.1020-1 Moulding machine
1978.0895-1 Telegraphy display
1978.0854-1 Key, telegraph
1978.0766-1 Rack, FM deviation analysis
1978.0763-1 Tube, travelling wave
1978.0762-1 Analyser, spectrum
1978.0635-1 Cable sample, telegraph
1978.0634-1 Cable sample, telegraph
1978.0622-1 Key, telegraph
1978.0498-1 Key, telegraph
1978.0494-1 Key, telegraph
1978.0493-1 Key, telegraph
1978.0490-1 Key, telegraph