There are 212 objects with pictures
Note: an object can have several parts, and only the parts that has a photo are shown.
1995.0403-1 Inductance, standard
1993.0142-1 Wafer, integrated circuit
1993.0140-1 Generator, unit pulse
1993.0001-1 Meter, volt-ohm
1992.0354-1 Test set, impedance
1989.0196-1 Tool, alignment
1989.0195-1 Tool, alignment
1989.0030-1 Generator, noise
1989.0029-1 Generator, noise
1989.0028-1 Meter, noise figure
1989.0027-1 Carriage, probe
1989.0025-1 Recorder, graphic
1989.0023-1 Simulator, video