There are 414 objects with pictures
Note: an object can have several parts, and only the parts that has a photo are shown.
2002.0209-1 Electro-therapy apparatus
2002.0099-1 Electro-therapy apparatus
2002.0097-1 Pneumothorax apparatus
2002.0096-1 Anaesthesia machine
2002.0095-1 Electroencephalograph
2002.0094-1 Bag, medical & instruments
2002.0093-1 Anaesthesia machine
2002.0072-1 Analyser, basal metabolism
2002.0071-1 Diathermy machine
2002.0069-1 Table, examination
2002.0069-2 Tray, drainage
2002.0069-4 Rod, extension
2002.0069-5 Rod, extension
2002.0069-6 Lock, extension rod
2002.0069-7 Lock, extension rod
2002.0069-10 Handle, crank
2002.0068-1 Electrocardiograph
2002.0068-5 Grounding device
2002.0068-9 String, electrocardiograph
2002.0068-13 Receptacle, film
2002.0068-14 Receptacle, film
2002.0068-15 Magazine, film
2002.0068-16 Magazine, film
2002.0068-17 Paper, recording
2002.0066-1 Chair, birthing
2002.0062-1 Pacemaker, cardiac & electrode
2002.0061-1 Electro-therapy apparatus
2002.0060-1 Electro-therapy apparatus