There are 60 objects with pictures
Note: an object can have several parts, and only the parts that has a photo are shown.
2011.0025-1 Tester, conductivity
2011.0025-3 Case, instrument
2010.0004-1 Digger, post-hole
2010.0003-1 Spreader, manure
2001.0246-1 Test kit, soil
2001.0246-2 Bottle, chemical
2001.0246-32 Rack, test tube
2001.0197-1 Handle, scythe
2001.0009-1 Shovel, ditching
1996.0476-1 Thrower, flame
1989.0003-1 Scraper, slush
1988.1076-1 Gauge, soil moisture
1988.0085-1 Spreader, fertilizer
1987.0164-1 Stretcher, fence wire
1987.0163-1 Stretcher, fence wire
1987.0046-1 Ditching machine
1987.0030-1 Spreader, manure