There are 206 objects with pictures
Note: an object can have several parts, and only the parts that has a photo are shown.
1999.0123-2 Cord, electrical
1999.0111-1 Board, circuit
1999.0070-1 Template, flow chart
1999.0069-1 Template, flow chart
1999.0069-2 Template, flow chart
1997.0478-2 Keyboard, computer
1997.0270-2 Keyboard, computer
1997.0266-1 Central processing unit
1996.0213-1 Terminal, computer
1996.0125-1 Circuit board module
1996.0125-2 Circuit board module
1996.0124-1 Circuit board module
1996.0124-2 Circuit board module
1996.0124-3 Circuit board module