Ottawa Public Library 2013 Checkout Stats App (alpha)

Titles > La grenouille (Books)

Checkouts information for the title "La grenouille"

Subjects associated with this title are: Lectures et morceaux choisis (Enseignement primaire), Grenouilles.

The items associated with this title and their checkout densities are shown below.

Home BranchBarcodeDensities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950019731908 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950032348953 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Alta Vista32950032347443 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950019731890 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950032344283 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950032342360 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Beaverbrook32950032371401 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Blackburn Hamlet32950032344523 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950019731726 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950032370205 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Bookmobile32950032369967 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950019731924 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950032344044 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carlingwood32950032342600 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Carp32950032342121 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Centennial32950019731874 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Centennial32950032371641 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Constance Bay32950019731882 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Cumberland32950032371161 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Elmvale Acres32950032343806 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Emeral Plaza32950019731858 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Emeral Plaza32950032343327 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Emeral Plaza32950032343566 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Fitzroy Harbour--
Greely32950032342840 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950019731932 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032369009 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032370684 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Greenboro32950032370445 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950019731841 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950032368043 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Hazeldean32950032370924 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950019731833 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950032369488 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Main32950032369249 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Manotick32950032368282 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Munster32950032347690 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950019731825 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950032348185 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Nepean Centrepointe32950032348805 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950019731817 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950032345488 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gloucester32950032348128 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
North Gower32950032343087 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950019731916 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032347260 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032347120 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Orléans32950032346825 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Osgoode32950032346668 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Richmond32950032349100 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950019731783 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rideau32950032349365 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rockcliffe Park32950032345249 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rosemount32950019731775 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Rosemount32950032348425 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950019731791 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032346205 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032345694 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032346015 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Ruth E. Dickinson32950032369728 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950019731767 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
St-Laurent32950032368522 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950019731759 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950032367565 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Stittsville32950032367805 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Sunnyside32950019731742 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Sunnyside32950032367326 Densities of checkout volumes over the year
Vanier32950019731734 Densities of checkout volumes over the year

IMPORTANT: This is an on-going experiment -- results will change and far from being accurate!
The extracted information is also subjective, due to 9.3% of the data being excluded, due to lack of matching info.

Compiled using open data from the City of Ottawa.
Created by The Blue Factor